A Study through Haggai February 14, 2010 MW
Stockwell Road MBC
Haggai 2:10-23
A. In the Book of I Chronicles, there is a little prayer that swept America a few years ago that reads like this: “Oh that thou wouldest bless me indeed, and enlarge my coast, and that thine hand might be with me, and that thou wouldest keep me from evil, that it may not grieve me!” Bruce Wilkinson wrote a book titled, “The Prayer of Jabez” and the subtitle read, “Breaking through to the Blessed Life.” The book is all about pursuing God’s blessings and finding the answers to life’s most troublesome questions. Jabez’ prayer of oh that thou wouldest bless me is still the prayer of God’s people today.
B. Here are the facts…we are the most blessed people on the face of the Earth. We have more stuff, more information, and more opportunities than of any people before, but it is not enough. I don’t have to convince you of this; it is evident all around us. We race here and there trying to do more, trying to accumulate more, trying to accomplish more than ever before. We cannot find significance in being good husbands and fathers; we are driven to be more than that. We cannot find significance in being good wives and mothers; we are compelled to find significance outside the home. We have grown fat on God’s blessings, and now those blessings do not satisfy, which is why so many people are attracted to preaching and teaching that is aimed at helping them “maximize their potential,” or whatever other things so many “feel good” and “be happy” preachers are preaching these days. Especially telling are the signs across our land that say, “God bless America,” the same America that has largely turned its back on God.
C. Our study through Haggai as shown us people just like us hasn’t it? They had done and done and done but were left empty. Whatever they did it was never enough so they prayed for God’s blessings. In Chapter 1, God told them that they would not be blessed until they considered their condition. Now 3 months has past and they were nearing the end. God wanted them to consider one more thing and if we want to be blessed we should CONSIDER the same thing…the COVENANT or the promises from God. When times get tough it will be in CONSIDERING THE COVENANT that will get us through!
I. THE CONDITION vs. 10-14
Note: Haggai begins his third sermon, concerning being a blessed people by reminding them of the condition they need to be in to receive the blessings of God. He begins by asking two questions that to us make absolutely no sense but to a Jew Haggai was being very clear.
A. Holiness is Not Found in Proximity
--coming to Church and reading the Bible will not make you a holy person…only Jesus Christ can!
B. Sin is Contagious
--it is diabolical and infectious!
II. THE CONTROL vs. 15-22
Note: This is a great truth that we all need to realize and remember: God is in control…all of the time! He is still on the Throne and in control! Notice how many times God says, “I will…”
A. The Reasons Things Happen
1. because of our own fault
2. because God is working out His plan
B. The Response When Things Happen
1. with faith
2. with trust
Note: Here is the beauty of this story…the way it ends. Look at the words of God, “I have chosen you.” This means simply that God is FOR His people! You need to know that we are people in a covenant relationship with God! We know this because of the NATURE OF GOD!
A. He Sent the Prophet
B. He is Forgiving
C. He is Faithful
D. He is a Father
If we are to be the blessed people that we want to be we must consider the condition we are in and consider the cause that we are in. When things get hard and tough just consider the covenant that God has made with you!
He is in control and has made a promise…are you in the right position to receive it?