February 21, 2010 MW Stockwell Road MBC
Proverbs 22:17-21
A. In 2007, the American Dialect Society chose “plutoed” as the 2006 word of the year. It means to demote or devalue something or someone as what happened to the planet Pluto when the General Assembly of the International Astronomical Union decided that it was no longer a planet. I was taught my entire life that Earth’s Solar System contained 9 planets. That isn’t the case anymore…today my boys are being taught that there are only 8. According to a ruling in 2006, Pluto has been reclassified as a “dwarf” planet and it no longer counts.
B. I think there are a lot of things that have been “plutoed” in many religious circles and in the lives of many of God’s people. Many things that were once fundamental and seen as necessary have been devalued. Fundamental truths that were once black and white have become shaded in grey. Things that were once so clear have become fuzzy. However, just because many of things have been plutoed in the eyes of many does not mean they have been plutoed to God. In God’s eyes these things are still black and white and they are still crystal clear. God’s heart should be our heart and His ways should be our ways. If He still values these things then we must still value them ourselves.
C. In the words of Solomon, he makes mention of making known, “the certainty of the words of truth”. While there are many things by the religious world that have been plutoed, we can look to the Word of God and see that while many things change…some things will never change! In fact, according to the Word of God some things will NEVER be plutoed and this is great comfort to all of us this morning. The Bible shares with us these wonderful truths but from the world’s view these are nothing more than archaic and foolish wives tales. The Bible is a book of certainties and it will never change. Many people look at us and say, “ Do you really believe that?” and our answer has to be yes! If it is any other answer we have “plutoed” God’s Truth!
D. Notice some things that will never be “PLUTOED”!
Note: Satan has always attacked the Word of God because it is the foundation for all of our beliefs. If the Bible is found to be not true EVERYTHING that we hold dear becomes worthless. There are some things that we need to remember about our Bible!
A. The Bible is Inspired II Tim. 3:16, II Peter 1:21
B. The Bible is Preserved Matthew 5:18
C. The Bible is Absolute Psalm 119:89
D. The Bible is Practical II Tim. 3:16-17
E. The Bible is Personal John 17:14
Note: Tiger Woods claimed on Friday that he has strayed away from his Buddhist faith that his mother had taught him. This was his reasoning for his sinful life and his way of rehabilitation. What Tiger needs is salvation not a statue a relationship with Jesus not a religion! God’s plan of Salvation has never changed!
A. The Facts—accept that you are a sinner, believe in your heart what the Bible says of Jesus, confess your sin to God
B. The Faith—trust in God’s provision for salvation—Jesus!
Note: We are living during a day where morals and values have definitely been plutoed! Instead of confessing and turning from sin many are rationalizing and returning to sin! This is a foolish mentality that we need to be in prayer about.
A. The Curse of Sin
B. The Course of Sin
C. The Conquering of Sin
Note: Many see the Christian life as Church attendance but ours is a life of faith that is to be lived outside of these walls.
A. It is a Life of Prayer
B. It is a Life of Persecution
C. It is a Life of Purpose
Note: The idea that the Lord Jesus is coming back has been plutoed to a great extent today. One reason is that old saying, “Familiarity breads contempt.” While we have heard it for many years it doesn’t change the truth that Jesus is coming and it will be soon!
A. The Testimony of the Bible Declares It
B. The Signs of the Times Proves It
While these things have been plutoed by a lot of people they are absolute certainties to every one of us.
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