Sunday, May 15, 2011

Tightening the Strings

May 15, 2011 MW Tightening the Strings #1

Stockwell Road MBC


I Timothy 4:1-9


A. There are certain musicians that can make a guitar make sounds that are just unbelievable. They can almost make the guitar talk. Violinists are able to make beautiful music by simply pulling the bow across the strings. One thing that is important for them both is for the strings to be tight. If the strings are loose then both violin and guitar will make noise but not the desired noise. If your life were represented by a guitar or violin, what sound would it make? The desired sound or something…different?

B. It would all depend on how tight your strings were. In the book, “Men Who Met God”, A.W. Tozer wrote, “We must face the fact that many today are notoriously careless in their living. This attitude finds its way into the church. We have liberty, we have money, we live in comparative luxury. As a result, discipline practically has disappeared. What would a violin solo sound like if the strings on the musician's instrument were all hanging loose, not stretched tight, not "disciplined"?

C. God has called us to make a difference in the lives of people. To show others how Jesus can make a difference in their life just like He made a difference in your life. William Penn once said, “No man is fit to command another who cannot command himself.” That is an old way of saying if you can’t clean your yard don’t tell me how to clean mine. If we are to do what God has called us too we must live disciplined lives…we must tighten the strings. There are certain Christian Disciplines that we must spend some time identifying and then implementing in our lives so that we can live that disciplined life that God expects.

D. In the text which we have read, the Apostle Paul tells young Timothy of dangerous and deceitful days that were soon approaching. Paul’s recommended solution for such dangerous days was for Timothy to preach and encourage discipline among the disciples of Jesus.



Note: Prophecy is history written in advance and the Bible tells us very plainly that this day was coming and now is here!

A. A Day of Leaving

1. what they depart from—TRUTH

2. what they join too—ERROR

B. A Day of Lying—hypocritical

C. A Day of Lawlessness—seared consciousness

D. A Day of Legalism

--do certain things not commanded in God’s Word in order to be holy!


Note: I believe that day is upon us but we are not to fret or throw up our hands and quit! We have quite an arsenal at our disposal. Paul arms young Timothy with all of the necessary tools as that day approached. Fortunately we still have the same tools!

A. The Word of God

B. The Witness of the Spirit

C. The Wisdom of Elders


Note: We are told to exercise ourselves to godliness! This means to be disciplined! When you and I activate these disciplines it will tighten the strings of our life and achieve great things for the Kingdom of God!

A. The Disciplines Identified

--Prayer, Bible Study, Giving, Worship, Witnessing, Fasting, Silence just to name a few

B. The Disciplines Implemented

1. A Rewarding Life

2. A rewarded Life


This morning we start a journey toward a disciplined life! Consider your life this morning and ask yourself if your strings are tight or loose?

It is time to tighten those strings…God demands it, you need it and sinners depend on it!

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