Sunday, May 16, 2010

Questions That Will Change Your Life #2

May 2, 2010 MW Stockwell Road MBC

Mark 10:35-45

A. Can you remember calling, “Shotgun!” Your sister or brother and you would race to be the first to call it when the car was within eyesight. Then the battle would begin…“You called it last time…it’s my turn!” “Too late…I called it first!” Then your parent yells, “Both of you get in the back seat!” I think James and John had a shotgun calling moment in our text.

B. According to Matthew’s account it was their mom who asked this question but Jesus knew that it was the boys who really wanted to know the answer. They wanted a fast track to the top…they wanted an upgrade from coach to first class. Jesus had just told them that they would be seated on 12 thrones judging the 12 tribes of Israel. They wanted to be seated in the positions of honor in Jesus’ Kingdom, one on the right and one on the left. Jesus’ response to their question was with another question, “Ye know not what ye ask: can you drink of the cup that I drink of; and be baptized with the baptism I am baptized with?” Their answer is that yes they can but notice the Jesus’ reply…indeed you will! I am not sure if I catch sarcasm in this or if it is almost a cryptic sort of prophecy. He tells them that those positions of honor are not his to give but then he begins to share with them how to get that promotion…if you want to sit in the front seat…be willing to sit in the backseat for a while. He shares with them a great dynamic of the Christian faith…if you want to be first…be last. In other words, be a servant: be submissive. This is the heart of Jesus’ question to the disciples, “Can ye drink of the cup I drink of?”

C. This discussion with the disciples is just as applicable to us today as it was then. We live in a power hungry society. People strive for greatness, sadly, many times at the expense of integrity. Stepping on whomever necessary to get one rung higher on the ladder of success. We must remember the words of Jesus and the example of Jesus. Be a servant as I am a servant. This question of submissiveness is one that we must all be reminded of from time to time. Noah Webster defined submission as “resignation; a yielding of one's will to the will or appointment of a superior without murmuring.” He further states, “Entire and cheerful submission to the will of God is a Christian duty of prime excellence.”

D. How will you answer THE QUESTION OF SUBMISSION?

I. THE AMBITIOUS REQUEST (vs. 35-38a, 41, James 4:23)
Note: I don’t want you to think that I am against success…quite the contrary…I believe in striving for excellence in everything that we do but not at the expense of character. Jesus didn’t rebuke their request…He just answered it. They were ambitious men but there is a danger with ambition. It can be perverted. Consider the Satan or the Rich Fool! Their ambition was misdirected and cost them in the end.
A. A Monumental Request v. 37
--bold request…we must come to the Throne BOLDLY

B. A Misguided Request v. 38a
--ye know not what ye ask…we ask amiss or we don’t ask at all

Note: Jesus asks them two questions that are questions of submission. He mentions the cup and a baptism. Both of these have reference to submission no matter the cost…at ALL cost! The cup and baptism are both references to the sufferings for the Gospel sake. The cup is a reference to the same cup He references later in Gethsemane which he asked the Father to let pass from Him. The baptism is not water baptism but rather being immersed in the wrath of God in payment for sin. The boys say that they can drink and be baptized and Jesus tells them you have no idea but you will indeed drink and be baptized in like manner.
A. The Path
--our path is one of fulfilling the Will of God no matter what. It is a directed path and a delightful path!

B. The Problems
--suffering…slothfulness…sin…irrelevant…we must serve because it is our duty…why is the teenager mowing the yard? His job!

C. The Pleasure
--I cannot promise anything to you for today but I can remind you of your tomorrow! Look what awaits us!

Note: Jesus tells us the way to real success and it is found in a servant’s heart and an attitude of humbleness and submission.
A. The Exhortation vs. 40-44

B. The Example vs. 45

This question of submission requires more than words to prove…it takes action! Will you accept this awesome responsibility this morning?

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