Wednesday, April 14, 2010

On the Mountain Top with Jesus #6/6

April 11, 2010
“On the Mountain Top with Jesus” series #6/6
Acts 1:6-12
A. The first mountains that I ever saw as a child were the Great Smoky Mountains. The Great Smokey Mountains got their name from the The Great Smokey Mountains are named for the blue mist that always seems to hover around the peaks and valleys. The Cherokee called them shaconage, (shah-con-ah-jey) or "place of the blue smoke". When you drive through them you can tell why they are called such. These mountains are a testimony unto themselves.

B. The Mount of Olives was also a testimony unto itself. As Jesus climbed this mountain 40 days after Calvary, the disciples anticipation grew. With each step they became almost giddy. They remembered the prophecy from Zechariah 14:4 and had to think that this was the moment that they had been looking for. However, Jesus and the angelic messengers offered a testimony that involved much more than an event they were looking for. They received a testimony that would shape the rest of their lives. The Book of Acts gives great insight into the progress of the early Church, the passion of the early Church, the persecution of the early Church and the purpose of the early Church. However, it was this experience and the testimony they received high atop the Mt. of Olives that set all of this in motion.

C. Sometimes we get complacent in our faith. Many times, we forget what is really important as a child of God. We fail to remember our calling and what God expects of us. It is in these times that we need to head back to the top of the Mt. of Olives of Jesus and receive this testimony. We will be reminded of what our mission is and what our motivation is to complete it.

D. This morning let us climb the Mount called Olivet one last time with Jesus and see what He has to testify to us about today!

Note: As noted earlier, the disciples were giddy with excitement as Jesus climbed the Mt. of Olives. They were continually asking the same question, “Will you now restore the kingdom?” Over and over like children wanting to know “Are we there yet?” However, Jesus’ answer caused some confusion in their hearts.
A. The Cause of Confusion
1. when God doesn’t do what we think He SHOULD do
2. when we allow Satan’s whispers to get louder

B. The Cure for Confusion
1. be still and listen for God’s voice
2. trust in the Lord and follow Him

Note: AS Jesus was about to leave He gave unto His Church the marching orders. He gave them His desire for their lives. God has always had a plan for His people. Our duty is to tell the world about Jesus! He made a few promises in this commission that we need to be aware of…
A. The Promise of Power

B. The Promise of Purpose

C. The Promise of People

III. A PLACE OF CROWNING vs. 9, Isaiah 53:12, Hebrews 7:25-28
Note: This is commonly referred to as the exaltation of Christ. Where King Jesus ascends before the disciples to be seated at the right hand of the Father. Notice the beautiful significance of this!
A. The Majesty of this Moment
--right hand—prominence and power

B. The Ministry of this Moment
--intercession for us

IV. A PLACE OF COMING AGAIN vs. 10-12, Zech. 14:4
Note: They will cry out for their redeemer from Zion! He will come and no longer be rejected by Israel, He will be embraced and accepted! What a day!

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